Chapter 1: Essential Information

In this Chapter


Please refer to individual school pages for specific arrival and dismissal locations.

Elementary School

Instruction begins at 8:55 a.m. Students must be present prior to 8:55 a.m., but not before 8:40 a.m., at which time staff supervision is available. The exception is students involved in a teacher-sponsored activity or those who made previous arrangements with a teacher or the principal.

Middle School

Instruction begins at 8 a.m. Students must be present prior to 8 a.m., but not before 7:30 a.m., at which time staff supervision is available. The exception is students involved in a teacher-sponsored activity or those who made previous arrangements with a teacher or the principal.


Please refer to individual school pages for specific arrival and dismissal locations.

Elementary School

The school day ends at 3:35 p.m. Students are expected to leave the school premises upon dismissal. Students who remain for school-sponsored activities are to report to the staff member sponsoring the activity immediately following dismissal. Prior to the end of the day, students should know if they are a walker, bus rider, or car rider. This designation determines where and how he/she exits at dismissal.

Middle School

The school day ends at 2:55 p.m. Students are expected to leave the school premises upon dismissal. Students who remain for school-sponsored activities are to report to the designated staff member sponsoring the activity immediately following dismissal.

Early Learning/Morning Kindergarten

Early Learning Schedule

Morning Session– 8:55 to 11:25 a.m. Arrival is at 8:40 a.m. Students should not arrive prior to this time as staff supervision will not be available. Please refer to individual school pages for specific arrival and dismissal locations. Afternoon Session– 1:05 p.m. to 3:35 p.m. Students should not arrive at school prior to 12:55 p.m., at which time staff supervision will be available.  Please refer to individual school pages for specific arrival and dismissal locations. Be sure to have all riders fastened in seat belts and/or car seats as appropriate.

Morning Kindergarten Schedule

A half-day kindergarten program is available in the morning. Class begins at 8:55 a.m. and ends at 11:45 a.m. Arrival is at 8:40 a.m. Please refer to individual school pages for specific arrival and dismissal locations.

Bus Transportation

The District provides bus transportation to and from school for all students living 1.5 miles or more from the school, and/or under hazardous conditions as defined by the state. The school bus drops off and picks up bus riders at assigned bus stops. For arrival and dismissal at school, individual schools have specific bus procedures. See the individual school pages for specific procedural information. While riding the bus, students are expected to display appropriate behavior to assure the safety of all riders. Riding a school bus is a privilege which may be denied if the bus rules and guidelines are not followed.

All students who are bus riders may ride only the bus they are assigned to and can only be picked up and/or dropped off at their assigned bus stop.

Students are expected to follow the bus safety rules each time they ride the bus, whether they ride regularly, occasionally, or on a class field trip. Good conduct is expected every time students ride the bus. Misconduct is a distraction to the bus driver and a safety hazard to other students.

The privilege of students to ride on the bus is conditional on their appropriate behavior and compliance with the rules and regulations. Safety demands complete cooperation. Should any student persist in violating the rules and regulations, it shall be the duty of the driver to notify the school administration. After due warning has been given to the student, the privilege of riding the bus may be revoked.

In the interest of student safety and in compliance with state law, students are expected to observe the following rules:
  1. Choose a seat and sit in it immediately upon entering the bus, unless assigned a specific seat. Do not stand in the entrance or in the aisle.
  2. Do not move from one seat to another while on the bus.
  3. Keep all parts of the body and all objects inside the bus.
  4. Loud conversation, singing, boisterous conduct, unnecessary noise, and/or profanity is not allowed.
  5. Enter and exit the bus only when it is fully stopped.
  6. All school rules apply while on the bus, at a bus stop, and waiting for the bus. Inappropriate behavior will be reported to school authorities and failure to observe safety rules may result in suspension from bus services.
  7. Use the emergency door only in an emergency.
  8. In the event of an emergency, stay on the bus and await instructions from the bus driver.
  9. Good behavior and behavior that will not distract the bus driver from operating the bus safely is required. Crowding, pushing, and other needless commotion are grounds for disciplinary action.
  10. Do not open windows.
  11. Keep the bus neat and clean.
  12. Be waiting at the bus stop at 10 minutes before the scheduled arrival time.
  13. Never tamper with, damage, or deface anything in or on the bus, or any of the bus or school equipment. Parents will be liable for any damage students do on the bus.
  14. Keep book bags, books, packages, coats, and other objects out of the aisles.
  15. Keep all body parts clear of the aisles when seated.
  16. Eating is not permitted on the bus.
  17. Students are required to embark and disembark the bus only at their designated stop.
  18. Students must be totally quiet at all railroad crossings.
  19. Other school rules apply relative to general conduct.
  20. Cell phone use on the bus is contingent upon the acceptable use policy (Chapter 2).
A student may be suspended from riding the bus for up to 10 consecutive school days for engaging in gross disobedience or misconduct, including but not limited to, the following:
  • Violating any school rule or school district policy.
  • Willful injury or threat of injury to a bus driver or to another rider.
  • Willful and/or repeated defacement of the bus.
  • Repeated use of profanity.
  • Repeated willful disobedience of a directive from a bus driver or other supervisor.
  • Such other behavior as the building principal deems to threaten the safe operation of the bus and/or its occupants.
If a student is suspended from riding the bus for gross disobedience or misconduct on a bus, the School Board may suspend the student from riding the school bus for a period in excess of 10 days for safety reasons.

A student suspended from riding the bus who does not have alternate transportation to school shall have the opportunity to complete or make up work for equivalent academic credit. It shall be the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian to notify the school that the student does not have alternate transportation.

Video and audio cameras are installed and operational on all buses to monitor student conduct. Recordings may be used for the purpose of investigations into misconduct or accidents on the bus and to promote and maintain a safe environment for students and employees when transportation is provided for any school-related activity. Notice of electronic recordings shall be displayed on the exterior of the vehicle’s entrance door and front interior bulkhead in compliance with state law and the rules of the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Safety.

Students are prohibited from tampering with electronic recording devices. Students who violate this policy shall be disciplined in accordance with the Board’s discipline policy and shall reimburse the District for any necessary repairs or replacement.

The content of the electronic recordings are student records and subject to District policy and procedure concerning student records; such recordings are exempt from the Eavesdropping Act. Only those people with a legitimate educational or administrative purpose may view and/or listen to the electronic video and/or audio recordings.

Please report any bus concerns to the school office or the bus company.

Car Riders

Safety is the District’s number one priority during arrival and dismissal, especially in terms of traffic around the school buildings. Drivers should be mindful of designated drop-off and pick-up areas, and should obey the traffic flow patterns put in place at each building. Please see individual school drop-off and pick-up directions noted on individual school pages.

A few reminders about car safety:
  • Park legally.
  • Respect school neighbors – please do not park in or block driveways.
  • Do not stop or park in crosswalks.
  • Do not make U-turns or turn around in driveways.
  • Obey speed limits, posted signs, and parking cones.
  • Always unload or pick up children when properly parked curbside – never stop in the middle of the street.
  • Never allow students to cross between cars or buses, or wave them to cross in the middle of the block.
  • Do not pass buses that are loading or dropping off children.
  • Respect and obey student Safety Patrol Guards, adult crossing guards, and school staff members.
  • Bus lanes are for buses only.
  • Seat belts should always be worn.
  • Cell phone use is illegal in a School Zone.

Pedestrians (Walkers)

When walking to and from school, students should follow appropriate safety rules:
  • Use marked crosswalks.
  • Do not cross between cars and buses. 
  • Do not cut through private property.
  • Obey safety signs and signals.
  • Use sidewalks, if available.
  • Look both ways before crossing.
  • Use good safety practices and follow the directions of Safety Patrol
  • Guards, crossing guards, and school staff members on duty.


Once bike riders or skateboarders have reached school property, they should walk their bikes/skateboards to the designated bike rack area. Bike racks are available at all schools. Please lock all bikes to the rack. Bikes are not to be left in any other area. All bikes must be locked through the frame and wheel in the bike rack. Each bike should have its own lock. Students cannot share bike locks. Store skateboards and scooters appropriately. 

When leaving school at the end of the school day, riders should walk their bikes/skateboards along the sidewalk area until they are away from the school grounds. Riders should use good safety practices at all times and follow the directions of Safety Patrol Guards, crossing guards, and school staff members on duty. Failure to follow safety guidelines may result in parent notification or loss of riding privileges. The school is not responsible for damage to bicycles and skateboards nor for loss/theft of bicycles/skateboards.

For the safety of students, pedestrians, and drivers, motorized bicycles and scooters must be walked when on school grounds. This includes all sidewalks around the school, int he parking lots, and on the playground area.

Crossing Guards

Crossing guards are on duty 15 minutes before the start of school and 15 minutes after dismissal. It is very important that students who are walkers and/or bike riders follow the directions of the crossing guards at all times. Parents are asked to reinforce with their children the importance of following the crossing guards’ directions. 

Safety Patrol Guards

In the elementary schools, some upper grade students, under the direction of the Safety Patrol Club sponsor, are responsible for helping school staff provide additional safety measures for all students for 15 minutes before and after school. Safety Patrol Guards are stationed at key points with staff to assist students crossing the street. Safety Patrol Guards do not stop traffic.


District 146 schools maintain a regular daily school schedule. An attitude that schedules are important is a valuable lesson for children to learn. Therefore, the District asks all families to help emphasize responsibility to children and the importance of keeping to schedules and being punctual. 

Regular attendance is essential to learning. Illinois law (School Code 105 ILCS 5/26-1 and 5/26-3b) requires that whoever has custody or control of any child between 6 (on or before September 1) and 17 years of age (unless the child has already graduated from high school) shall assure that the child attends school in the district in which he or she resides, during the entire time school is in session.

Every minute of a student’s time in school is important. Students who are absent for even one day, or who arrive tardy to school, miss valuable instructional time and can easily fall behind academically. A district calendar and school newsletters remind parents/guardians of school schedules and attendance days. Please review the school calendar to avoid planning family activities on school days. Vacations are considered unexcused absences.  


Students arriving late to school in the morning should report to the office. A parent must accompany their students and sign them in with the office. Excessive tardiness will result in student/administrator conference, parent/administrator conference and/or further disciplinary action. 

Leaving School Early

Parents should contact the school office if their students need to leave school before the end of the day for a doctor’s appointment or other urgent matters. Parents must report to the office, be prepared to show appropriate identification, and sign the child out at the appropriate time. If the student returns to school before the end of the day, the parent must sign him/her in at the office.


To ensure the safety of all students, and to remain in compliance with state law, parents are required to notify the school office if their child will not be in attendance. This notification must take place within the first hour of school. When reporting an absence, please call the school office anytime, day or night, to access the voicemail system. When calling, please provide: student’s name, date of absence, and reason for absence.  

Central Middle School- 708.614.4510
Fierke Education Center- 708.614.4520
Fulton School- 708.614.4525
Kruse Education Center- 708.614.4530
Memorial School- 708.614.4535

If notice is not received, District procedure is for the school office to attempt to make contact via all phone numbers provided during registration. If unsuccessful, all emergency contacts will be called until confirmation of the absence is received. If all attempts to contact are unsuccessful, a District administrator and/or designee will notify local law enforcement to ensure the safety and well being of the student.

Reasons For Absence

Excused Absence: Acceptable reasons (verified by parental notification i.e., note, phone call, or email) include illness, medical appointments, funerals, attending military honors to sound “Taps,” religious holidays, and court appearances. If a student is absent for four or more consecutive school days due to illness, a medical release signed by the student’s doctor is required.  

Unexcused Absence: Absences for any reason not described in excused absences; including truancy and vacations.

Extended Absences

A student with unexcused absences and/or extended vacation inside or outside of the country for more than 10 consecutive school days is required to be unenrolled from school. Upon return, the student must repeat the registration process.

Excessive Absenteeism

Not meeting the excused absence criteria will result in the absence being unexcused. Every effort will be made by District 146 to remedy concerns of excessive absenteeism.


Student attendance is critical to the learning process. Truancy is therefore a serious issue and will be dealt with in a serious manner by the school and district.

Students who miss more than 1% but less than 5% of the prior 180 regular school days without valid cause (a recognized excuse) are truant. Students who miss 5% or more of the prior 180 regular school days without valid cause are chronic truants. Students who are chronic truants will be offered support services and resources aimed at correcting the truancy issue.

Valid causes for absence include those listed under “Excused Absence” in the section above.

In the event that a child is absent for the purpose of observing a religious holiday, the absence will be considered excused, and the student will be given an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirement. Excessive health-related absences without doctor’s notes are not valid causes for absence.

Parents or Guardians may obtain assistance to improve attendance by contacting the school administration, social worker, or nurse.

*A parent or guardian who knowingly and willfully permits a child to be truant may be convicted of a Class C misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of thirty days in jail and/or a fine up to $1,500.

Truancy Letters 

1st Truancy Letter- Issued by School
2nd Truancy Letter- Issued by District
3rd Truancy Letter- Issued by South Cook Intermediate Service Center

When it is determined a child is truant, the parent(s) or guardian(s) are informed of their legal responsibilities, and the school will take appropriate disciplinary action. The Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 105, Section 5/26-1, provide that students in grades 1 through 12, regardless of age, shall have the children in the public school in the district wherein he/she resides when it is in session during the regular school term unless:
  • They are enrolled in a private school or home schooled;
  • Said child has a certificate of physical or mental disability from a competent physician; or
  • The principal of the school that student attends excuses the child’s temporary absence.  


Breakfast and Lunch Program

A monthly menu is available via the district website. Students use debit cards to “purchase” breakfast, hot lunch, and milk. They may choose this option on a daily basis. Teachers count participants each morning and forward that information to the school office. 

Allergy-aware areas are available, as needed, at all schools for students with identified peanut and tree nut allergies, and students who choose to bring a peanut-free lunch. Peanut butter and other peanut products may be consumed freely by non-allergic students in each cafeteria.

To promote germ prevention, all cafeterias and designated eating areas have sanitizing gel available for student use.


Grab-and-go breakfasts are offered at all schools. Students have the option to purchase their breakfast before the morning bell rings.

Students in grades K-8 eat lunch during a scheduled lunch period. Students may bring lunch from home or purchase a hot lunch. Students should eat the food that has been provided for them. Restrooms are available for use during lunch periods. 

Staff members supervise all eating areas and students should follow directions of the supervisor the first time given. Students are expected to sit in their seats while eating, return their trays to the designated area, and deposit paper and refuse in the recycling and waste containers provided. Students will demonstrate appropriate manners while in the cafeteria. Throwing food or other items is never permissible. If a student spills or makes a mess, the student should clean up after him/herself. Students should keep hands, feet, all body parts, and objects to themselves at all times.

Students who violate lunchtime rules may experience restriction of privileges and/or other disciplinary measures. Frequent inappropriate behavior may result in parental notification, and/or possible disciplinary action. 

Debit Card Program

All students are issued a debit card that will allow them to purchase a breakfast/lunch on the days they choose. Debit cards should maintain a positive balance. Families will be notified when balances become low or negative.

Food Delivery

Meal delivery for students by restaurants or delivery services (GrubHub, Uber Eats, etc.) is not permitted. Family members may drop meals off if a student forgets his or her meal, or extra hot meals will be available in the school cafeteria.

Student Dress/Appearance

The intent of the District’s student dress and appearance guidelines is to promote a good learning environment while honoring each individual’s self-expression.

Students are expected to dress and groom themselves in an appropriate manner that sustains a safe community inclusive of a diverse range of identities, and in a manner that is reasonable and appropriate for the school setting.

To insure the rights of all students are protected, the following will not be permitted:
  • Modes of dress or appearance which are clearly disruptive and disturbing to the progress of the educational program or fail to cover a student’s genitals, nipples, buttocks, or undergarments
Dress which displays messages or images that are clearly disrupting or disturbing to the progress of the educational program, including but not limited to:
  • Modes of dress which display drug or alcohol related language, paraphernalia, and/or advertising;
  • Modes of dress which display gang symbols;
  • Modes of dress which display images, symbols, or language related to weapons;
  • Modes of dress which display sexually explicit or suggestive images; and
  • Modes of dress which display obscenities, falsehoods, innuendoes, or other expressions either harmful to the normal development of the younger and less mature students, or offensive to the reasonable sensibilities of students, faculty, or other school personnel. 
School administration makes the final interpretation of the dress guidelines. When a student is dressed inappropriately as defined above, school administration will coach, counsel, support, and teach those involved in a non-punitive manner. A second event will result in a non-punitive meeting with parents. Discipline will be considered only on and after a third incident. This falls under the “social” part of social/emotional learning. District 146 is committed to high levels of social/emotional learning for all students.

To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of the guidelines, school staff will enforce the dress code consistently and in a manner that does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any student or group of students based on race, sex, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, household income, or body type/size.

Physical Education Requirements

Elementary School

Athletic shoes, which cover the whole foot, are required to participate in physical education classes.

Middle School

Students change into uniforms (t-shirt and shorts) purchased by parents. Athletic shoes, which cover the whole foot, must be provided and kept in the student’s locker. Gym uniforms are purchased through the physical education classes.

A student may modify his or her athletic uniform for the purpose of modesty in clothing or attire in accordance with the requirements of his or her religion, his or her cultural values, or modesty preferences. A student is not required to receive the prior approval of the school board for such modification.


Elementary School

District 146 values daily outdoor recess as a means of promoting exercise, organized play, and socialization. Students are encouraged to participate in safe, inclusive playground activities. Students are discouraged from playing games that may lead to the use of excessive force (e.g., tackle games & “tag”), as well as games that could lead to the exclusion of others (e.g., “keep away”). 

Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behaviors and use positive, respectful language with others while participating in recess. This includes sharing, taking turns, and general sportsmanlike conduct. Lack of cooperation and/or frequent or significant misbehaviors will result in parental notification, and/or possible disciplinary action.

Extreme Weather Conditions

Indoor recess may be used in lieu of outdoor recess in the case of extreme temperatures (wind chill factor of 20 degrees or colder, or a heat index of 100 degrees or warmer) or inclement weather. All other times, students will go outside for recess and need to dress appropriately for the weather. Appropriate clothing for outdoors includes coats, boots, hats, and mittens, as appropriate. 


Elementary School

Students are assigned lockers/cubbies in which they may store books and personal items. It is the student’s responsibility to see that the locker/cubby is kept clean and orderly at all times. 

Lockers/cubbies are the property of the school and may be inspected by school personnel at any time. Coats, jackets, and hats must be kept in lockers/cubbies and may not be worn in class. Lockers/cubbies are not to be used to store personal items beyond jackets, outerwear, and book bags. Backpacks on wheels do not fit in lockers.

Middle School

Each student is assigned an individual hall locker to store books and personal items.

The combination should be kept confidential. It is the student’s responsibility to assure the hall locker is kept clean, locked, and organized at all times. Lockers are the property of the school and may be inspected by school personnel at any time.

Fines will be assessed for damage to lockers caused by careless and deliberate abuse. Coats, jackets, hats, book bags, backpacks, and other personal belongings must be kept in lockers and may not be worn in class. Backpacks on wheels do not fit in lockers.

During Physical Education class, it is the student’s responsibility to see that the locker in the locker room is locked during class time. Technology of any kind is not allowed in the locker room.

Care of Textbooks, Materials, and Property

Our buildings and equipment represent a considerable investment on the part of the citizens of our school district. Students or persons who deliberately mar, deface, or reduce the worth of usefulness of property shall be responsible for repairs or replacement of damaged property. Students are responsible for an additional charge if books assigned to them have been lost or used carelessly.

Parents are asked to discuss with their children their responsibility for care of public property.

Lost and Found

Elementary School

Students who find lost articles of clothing or other items should immediately give them to a teacher or the main office to be placed in the lost and found bin. Students who lose personal items should check the lost and found for their items. Identifiable items will immediately be returned to the student. Valuable personal property or sizable amounts of money should not be brought to school. Unclaimed items are given to not-for-profit organizations throughout the year.

Middle School

The lost and found is located in the main office. Students who find lost articles of clothing or other items should promptly turn them in to the office, where the owner can claim them. If students have had any personal items lost, stolen, or damaged, the incident should be reported to the office the day they are made aware of the loss. Identifiable items will immediately be returned to the student. Forms to file a report of the incident are available in the school office. Unclaimed items are given to not-for-profit organizations throughout the year.

Valuable personal property or sizable amounts of money should not be brought to school. Students are responsible for their own property. Students should make sure that their hall and gym lockers are kept locked. Combinations are to be kept private and not shared with other students.

Extracurricular Activities

Elementary School

Staff members sponsor extracurricular activities for students to join throughout the year. Examples of clubs include: choir, student council, arts & crafts clubs, and reading clubs. Students interested in the activities planned for this year will be given appropriate information by the sponsor and permission slips will be sent home noting details. Parents must provide transportation, if needed. To participate in an activity, one must be in attendance for a minimum of two and a half hours on the day of the event or activity. Students may not participate while suspended.

Middle School

Part of a well-rounded education includes non-academic opportunities for social and physical growth. All students at Central are encouraged to become involved in the co-curricular activities afforded to them in the areas of interscholastic activities, instrumental/vocal music, student government, and the various subject-centered clubs. 

Staff members sponsor extracurricular activities for students to join throughout the year. Students who are interested in the activities planned for this year will be given appropriate information by the sponsor and information will be sent home noting details. Parents must provide transportation, if needed.

To participate in an activity, one must be in attendance for a minimum of two and a half hours on the day of the event or activity. Students must demonstrate basic responsibilities and an appropriate attitude before they are allowed to participate in these activities. Participation in the activities must be earned through demonstration of appropriate student scholarship, behavior, and citizenship. The suggested standards/guidelines will be reviewed on an individual student basis throughout the school year in order to help determine the eligibility of the student for participation in the activities. Students may not participate while they are suspended. See the social probation section within the Student/Parent Handbook for the full eligibility details.

District 146 allows a student to modify his or her athletic or team uniform for the purpose of modesty in clothing or attire that is accordance with the requirements of his or her religion, his or her cultural values, or modesty preferences. A student is not required to receive the prior approval of the school board for such modification.

Instrumental Band

The District provides the opportunity for students in 5th through 8th grades to participate in an instrumental band program. Informational meetings are conducted each fall to outline the program’s structure, schedules, and activities.

Animals on School Property

In order to assure student health and safety, animals are not allowed on school property, except in the case of a service animal accompanying a student or other individual with a documented disability. This rule may be temporarily waived by the building principals in the case of an educational opportunity for students, provided that (a) the animal is appropriately housed, humanely cared for, and properly handled; and (b) students will not be exposed to a dangerous animal in an unhealthy environment.

Communication with Parents

District 146 subscribes to an alert system, which allows an email, text message, or recorded voice message to be distributed to all parents and staff within a very short period of time. This system utilizes the phone numbers and email addresses that parents and staff have provided to the school and District as official contact information. Please contact the school office with any changes to this information.

The District and school websites are frequently updated with news and information about school events. All schools also have a newsletter. 

Individual schools use additional technology platforms to communicate with students, families, and share student work. Teachers will share information about communication platforms with families once school begins each year. Parents are encouraged to register and utilize these platforms as a means of regular communication. 

All teachers can be accessed through District email. To communicate with a teacher, parents are encouraged to send an email. In most cases, the email address is the teacher’s first initial followed by their full last name Please allow time for teachers to respond to emails, keeping in mind that time is limited during the school day to respond. By phone, voicemail is available. Please call the school office to leave a message.

The District has a filtering system for emails to protect it from viruses and excessive spam. If a parent emails a staff member and does not receive a response within 24 hours, please call the staff member to be certain the email has not been rejected.

Registration and Fees

The material registration fee includes the use of basic texts, computers, library books, meal debit cards, assignment notebooks, and other educational materials. Students and their parents are held responsible for the loss, undue wear, or damage of these items. This may result in replacement fees. All students, regardless of grade, are charged registration/book rental fees. The fee is due upon registration of school or upon entering during the school year. The district does not withhold a student’s grades, transcripts, or diploma because of an unpaid balance on the student’s school account.

Waiver of Student Fees

In accordance with School Board Policy 4:140, the Superintendent will recommend to the School Board for adoption what fees, if any, will be charged for the use of textbooks, consumable materials, extracurricular activities, and other school fees. Students will pay for loss of school books, technology or other school-owned materials.

Fees for textbooks and other instructional materials are waived for students who meet the eligibility criteria for fee waiver contained in this policy. In order that no student is denied educational services or academic credit due to the inability of parents/guardians to pay fees and charges, the Superintendent will recommend to the Board for adoption what additional fees, if any, the District will waive for students who meet the eligibility criteria for fee waiver. Students receiving a fee waiver are not exempt from charges for lost and damaged books, locks, materials, supplies, and equipment.

Eligibility Criteria

A student shall be eligible for a fee waiver when:
  1. The student currently lives in a household that meets the free lunch or breakfast eligibility guidelines established by the federal government pursuant to the National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. §17587 C.F.R. Part 245; or
  2. The student or student’s family is currently receiving aid under Article IV of The Illinois Public Aid Code (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).
The Superintendent or designee will give additional consideration where one or more of the following factors are present:
  • Illness in the family
  • Unusual expenses such as fire, flood, storm damage, etc.
  • Seasonal unemployment
  • Emergency situations
  • When one or more of the parents/guardians are involved in a work stoppage


The Superintendent or designee must follow the verification requirements of 7C.F.R. 245.6a when using the free lunch or breakfast eligibility guidelines pursuant to The National School Lunch Act as the basis for waiver of student fee.

When using a District-established or other independent verification process, the Superintendent or designee may not require verification more often than every 60 calendar days. The Superintendent or designee shall not use any information from any independent verification process to determine free lunch or breakfast eligibility pursuant to The National School Lunch Act.

Determination and Appeal

The Superintendent or designee will notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) promptly as to whether the fee waiver request has been granted or denied. The denial of a fee waiver request may be appealed to the Superintendent by submitting the appeal in writing to the Superintendent within 14 days of the denial. The Superintendent or designee shall respond within 14 days of receipt of the appeal. The Superintendent’s decision may be appealed to the Board. The decision of the Board is final and binding.

Questions regarding the fee waiver request process should be directed to the school principal.

Student Supply List

School supply lists are available on the school websites and via TeacherLists. Please check with the student and/or teacher throughout the school year to be sure supplies are adequate.

Pledge of Allegiance

Staff and students recite the Pledge of Allegiance on a daily basis.

Student Transfers

Families transferring to District 146 should contact the registrar for information on initiating the transfer process. District 146 does not refuse to enroll a student because of a student's failure to present his/her student permanent or temporary records from a school attended previously.

Students leaving District 146 must have a parent/guardian contact the school’s main office at least two days before the official withdrawal date. Upon learning of a withdrawal, a certified copy of your child’s permanent and temporary student records will be prepared by the school’s records custodian and transferred to the school where you child has been or will be enrolled. Records transfers will occur no sooner than 5 business days and no later than 10 business days. Parents have the right to inspect, review, or challenge their child’s student records prior to them being transferred. The district does not withhold a student’s grades, transcripts, or diploma because of an unpaid balance on the student’s school account.

For more information on student records, please review the Student Records section of this handbook

Visitor Information

District 146 schools are safe and secure places for students to learn and grow. All entrances and exits are secured by locked doors before, during, and after school hours. The school safety clerk and other school personnel monitor doors by means of video cameras. Parents and visitors are always welcome to visit a school. However, safety requires that parents or others do not visit teachers while they are supervising and teaching students. 

In order to provide safety for students and staff, and to keep classroom disruptions to a minimum, all parents and visitors should follow these procedures: 
  • Report to the main office.
  • If dropping off an item for a student, please give it to the office staff. It will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox and reasonable efforts will be made to get the item to the student without disrupting instruction.
  • Appointments to meet with a staff member should be scheduled in advance.
  • At the front office, visitors will be asked to show identification and sign in to receive a visitor’s badge. Visitors will need to sign out in the office upon completion of their school business and return the visitor’s badge.
  • A parent must come into the office to sign out their child. If a child is returning to school after being dismissed early, or arriving late due to an illness or doctor’s appointment, a parent must come into the main office to sign in the child.
As an added safety measure, criminal background checks will be conducted on all individuals working with children, including volunteers and chaperones. Background checks need to be completed well in advance of the field trip or activity.

Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities

Individuals with disabilities will be provided an opportunity to participate in all school-sponsored services, programs, and activities. Individuals with disabilities should notify the building principal if they have a disability that will require special assistance or services and, if so, what services are required. This notification should occur as far in advance of the school-sponsored function, program, or meeting as possible.


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