Food Services

Food Services

The Hot Lunch Menu program features hot, nutritious meals provided by Quest Food Management Services, Inc.

Breakfast at all schools is $1.50. Lunches for the students in our elementary schools will include one carton of milk, and will be priced at $3.75 each. Middle school lunches are priced at $4. Milk is $.35

Please contact your school's main office if you need help providing a lunch for your child.

Breakfast and lunch menus are updated monthly and are available on our website or by calling your school's office.

Debit Card Program

The debit card is a laminated card imprinted with the student's name and a bar code that is issued by the lunch program employees. A deposit is required in order to activate your student's card.

A debit card has some distinct advantages over a paper card and cash such as:
  • If it is reported lost or stolen, it can be deactivated and replaced.
  • Debit cards also help us to minimize the handling of cash.
  • They facilitate the economical production of federally mandated reports.

Student's Breakfast/Lunch Accounts

Click the button below to make payment on your breakfast/lunch account.

Pushcoin Logo

Please be sure to keep your child's debit account current, as we no longer send home paper reminders. A notification will be sent to parents via PushCoin if your student's balance is low or negative.

To make a deposit to your child's account, please use the PushCoin link above, or submit a separate check or money order made payable to: School District 146. Please note on the check or money order that the payment is for the Debit Card Account and include your child's name.

If you have more than one child in the same school, we can divide the amount you send us on one check into multiple accounts. If you want the deposit divided, please include written instructions with your payment. 

Free and Reduced Lunches

To apply for the Free and Reduced Lunch program, please click here.


Cheryl Witas
Food Service Coordinator
ext. 3106
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