Chapter 4: Student Records and Privacy

In this Chapter

Student Records

A school student record is any writing or other recorded information concerning a student, by which the student may be identified individually, that is maintained by a school, at its direction, or by a school employee, regardless of how or where the information is stored.Exceptions can be made for certain records kept in a staff member’s sole possession, records maintained by law enforcement officers working in the school, and video and/or other electronic recordings made on school buses. The District maintains two types of school records for each student: permanent record and temporary record.

Permanent Records

The permanent record shall include:
  1. Basic identifying information, including the student’s name, address, birth date and place, gender, and the names and addresses of the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s).
  2. A copy of the student’s birth certificate (or records submitted in lieu thereof as authorized by law).
  3. Academic transcripts including grades, class rank, graduation date, and grade level achieved.
  4. The unique student identifier assigned and used by the Student Information System.
  5. The student’s attendance record.
  6. The student’s health records (i.e., medical documentation necessary for enrollment and proof of examinations required by 105 ILCS 5/27-8.1).
  7. A record of release of permanent record information in accordance with 105ILCS 10/6(c)
The permanent record may include:
  1. Any honors and awards received by the student.
  2. Information concerning participation in school-sponsored activities or athletics, or offices held in school-sponsored organizations. 

Temporary Records

All information not required to be kept in the student permanent record is kept in the student temporary record and must include: 
  1. A record of release of temporary record information in accordance with 105 ILCS 10/6(c).
  2. Scores received on State assessment tests administered in the elementary grade levels (Kindergarten through grade 8).
  3. Information regarding serious infractions (those involving drugs, weapons, or bodily harm to another) that resulted in expulsion, suspension, or the imposition of punishment or sanction.
  4. Information provided under the Abused and Neglected Child
  5. Reporting Act (325 ILCS 5/8.6), including any final finding report received from a Child Protective Service Unit.
  6. A completed Home Language Survey.
  7. Any biometric information collected in accordance with 105 ILCS 5/10-20.40.
  8. Any health-related information.
  9. Any accident reports.
The temporary record may include:
  1. Family background information.
  2. Group and individual Intelligence test scores.
  3. Aptitude test scores.
  4. Reports of psychological evaluations, including information on intelligence, personality, and academic information obtained through test administration, observation or interviews.
  5. Elementary and secondary achievement level test results.
  6. Teacher anecdotal records.
  7. Other disciplinary information.
  8. Special education files, including the report of the multidisciplinary staffing on which placement or non-placement was based, and all records and tape recordings relating to special education placement hearings and appeals.
  9. Records associated with Section 504 plans.
  10. Participation in extracurricular activities.
  11. Honors and awards received.
  12. Verified reports or information from non-educational persons, agencies or organizations of clear relevance to the student’s education.

Temporary Student Records Destruction Schedule

A temporary student record is kept for five years. Notice is hereby given that District 146 will be destroying all temporary student records for those students who have matriculated from Grade 8 to high school during the 2019-2020 school year or students who have transferred from District 146 during the 2019-2020 school year. Students over 18 or parents who are interested in obtaining copies of these records may do so by contacting the Director of Curriculum at 708-614-4500, before December 1, 2024.

FERPA and the Illinois Student Record Act 

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Illinois Student Records Act offer parents/guardians and students over the age of 18 (“eligible students”) the following rights with respect to the student’s school records:
  1. The right to inspect and copy the student’s education records within 15 school days of the day the District receives a request for access.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible student believes are inaccurate, irrelevant, or improper.
  3. The right to permit disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that the FERPA or Illinois School Student Records Act authorizes disclosure without consent.
  4. The right to a copy of any school student record proposed to be destroyed or deleted.
  5. The right to prohibit the release of directory information concerning the parent’s/guardian’s child.
  6. The right contained in this statement: No person may condition the granting or withholding of any right, privilege or benefits or make as a condition of employment, credit, or insurance the securing by any individual of any information from a student’s temporary record which such individual may obtain through the exercise of any right secured under State law.
  7. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
The name and address of the Office that administers FEPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW 
Washington, DC 20202-4605

For more information on FERPA, please visit the District website.

Student Media Release

Throughout the year, District 146 publishes photos and stories about students and school accomplishments, especially during special events and performances.

Examples of how the District may use a student’s name or photograph:
  • A group photo or video from a choir or band concert.
  • A story and photo on the school website about the Math Challenge.
  • A printed photo in a school or District newsletter.
  • A group photo on Facebook of a classroom planting flowers on Earth Day.
  • A video clip on Twitter of students celebrating International Walk to School Day.
  • A student-created drawing or poem posted on the website.
Places where the District may use names or photos:
  • School and District websites
  • School/District newsletters
  • Newspaper articles and photos
  • Photos in district reports
  • Videos on the website
  • Social media posts
District 146 does NOT distribute information regarding a student’s records, address, or phone numbers to the media. However, the media may request a student’s full name to be used in publications and the District retains the option to give the name in full for media usage. Be advised that the media does not seek District 146 approval for any photographs they themselves take of students at school/public events.

Note: No payment will be made to a student for use of his/her photograph under the terms of this release, nor his/her family. Parents/guardians waive the right to preview or approve the finished photographs or videos. Parents are advised that they cannot select specific items to be withheld from this list.

Parents/guardians who DO NOT wish to have their student’s full name or information released for any publicity purposes are required to submit the District 146 Release Opt-Out Form to the school office within the first 10 days of enrollment. This release will remain in effect until the following school year. If circumstances change, parents should contact their school office. This opt-out form does not prohibit students from appearing in the yearbook.

Surveys Requesting Personal Information

School officials and staff members will not request, nor disclose, the identity of any student who completes any survey or evaluation (created by any person or entity, including the school or District) containing one or more of the following items:
  1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian.
  2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family.
  3. Behavior or attitudes about sex.
  4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior.
  5. Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom students have close family relationships.
  6. Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those with lawyers, physicians, and ministers.
  7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent/guardian.
  8. Income other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such a program.
The student’s parent/guardian may inspect the survey or evaluation and refuse to allow their child to participate in the survey, if desired. The school will not penalize any student whose parent/guardian exercises this option.

Surveys by Third Parties

Before a school official or staff member administers or distributes a survey or evaluation created by a third party to a student, the student’s parent/guardian may inspect the survey or evaluation, upon their request and within a reasonable time of their request. This applies to every survey: (1) that is created by a person or entity other than a District official, staff member, or student, (2) regardless of whether the student answering the questions can be identified, and (3) regardless of the subject matter of the questions.

Parents who object to disclosure of information concerning their child to a third party may do so in writing to the building principal.
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